Dear Nostalgia

Dear Nostalgia ,

There's a lot to express today or in fact well, every moment simply because lying in that tiny, far corner of our mind you possess that ability to grapple the senses in entirety! To break up this one present moment into fragments of million others.. Ah, now I see the wisdom behind the Sandglass- those little tiny grains of sands flowing to make one moment!

The wise have uttered that we either live in the past or the future at the expense of our present- past holds much truth in this case since future will always remain uncertain. The human ability to travel back to and through the lanes of memories is amazing. The two worlds existing at the same time for a brief while... well well well!

Places, things,situations, people... oh yes and our senses too - a chance encounter (if not a deliberate time travel) and the familiar old journey begins. The materialistic stuffs make a non-materialistic connection with us and leave a lasting effect under the mask of memories.Memories... categorizing them is - "to each their own". Ah, and these don't come alone - a smile, a familiar tug, a silent tear ,etc they try to bring something back to these senses ,as if 'Lo, here's your reward/punishment for sending this up here at the brain'.

You, dear nostalgia are like that one friend being there with us throughout, just we need to feel your presence time and again and play with your shadow- The memories! Sometimes we're thanking you, other times some cursing you, even others just drifting away, away from the present..

Signing off with a myriad of emotions..


P.S. - a matter of confusion , are the memories really your shadow or your soul? Errr, even if the materialistic connect that was there then and if not present now , we don't really forget about it do we? Hey wait , that was just like the dark of the hollow or blank that it sometimes leave! So maybe not quite the shadow or is it............


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