Aisi Bani - A review

Aisi Bani (Coke Studio @ MTV India Season 3) 

  • Composer / Producer - Clinton Cerejo
  • Lyrics - Manoj Yadav
  • Singers - Bianca Gomes , Clinton Cerejo , R Vijay Prakash , Sonu Kakkar     
(and surely due credits to the members of choir , orchestra , and  sound production teams too! )

If you just read or listen to the two words, "Aisi Bani" , probably the first thing that strikes to the mind is Saint Kabira's couplet or Doha- 

aisi vani boliye, man ka aapa khoye
auran ko sheetal kare, aaphu sheetal hoye
ऐसी वाणी बोलिए, मन का आपा खोय |
औरन को शीतल करे, आपहु शीतल होय ||
Speak in words so sweet, that fill the heart with joy
Like a cool breeze in summer, for others and self to enjoy

True, this song also revolves around the same but does away with the assumed setting of traditional music and the gentle message. Rather, a funky groove and strong tones along with straight-forward hard hitting lyrics which tries to achieve the awaken-the-revolution-and-hit-the-streets mode will greet the listeners.

Opening with a slow riff of the saz, the notes are struck in such a way that they create an ambience of  normal flowing tides to an impeding storm with the dark clouds looming large and then the guitar's notes enter, bringing the storm- a storm which is to stir the deeper clouds inside the soul! The idea of opening with the vocals of both Clinton and Bianca with base middle-scale tone clicks very well with the seriousness of the issue raised through the song. Vijay does justice to open Manoj's lyrics , conveying the meaning of saying such words which makes one forget everything and heals the battered soul.

When there is the combination of effective lyrics and powerful music, each word and each note will hit you to the core- exactly what this song achieves! Quoting such lines-
kya surat maanje, kyun seerat maanje naa
mailee rooh khandhar kahi laave.
Looking at the atmosphere we're living in, surrounded by jealousy, rage, and many such negative emotions , these two lines hit to the core where your soul is shrieking for sanity!

Enter Bianca, and with her voice quality the reflection of angst turning to border-line despair and frustration demanded by the lyrics, she does a full justice to the job. Clinton surely deserves every bit of respect for bridging the demand-supply gap between deep lyrics and powerful voice to magnify the impact on the listeners. With the guitar riff followed by the base notes on keys which sets the pulse, as sax tries to test the troubled waters inside the listener's mind ,the sargam by Vijay seems a good switch.

When the listener is about to soak in the classical touch, Sonu's blazing trail of powerful voice is no less than the sharp winds and the orchestration is enough to amplify the effect. The lines-

Kyun maanas maanas bhambar hai,
Haqeeqat bad se baddtar hai, 
dukh daliddar, chal aadambar, 
gurezaan sab sansaar, 

And when the mirror has shown the deep reflection leaving introspection as the only way out or leaving one yearning for a solution like one yearns for the rains to calm down, Vijay's fine texture blends in aptly. Clinton as a maverick producer and composer doesn't leave you to the finesse and hence the trail of the last lines are left to the powerful guitar riffs which blows you out!

Overall, the song is a powerhouse in all respects- from lyrics to the production! Kudos to Manoj and Clinton- They surely are the heroes.......


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