Letters of the playground

"Not all journeys require you to relocate to some other place, time itself is enough to take you far away from where you are now! "

Today , I slowly tip-toed to the same old playground where I spent a significant part of my childhood. A trip down the lanes of nostalgia-

Stepping on the fresh dewy grass of the early morning,
the dew drops were the letters from that grass.
Reminding me about their similarity to old friendships,
how they accepted me and were there with me ,
even when no one was around!

The see-saw and the swings called me to their embrace again,
their motion was the letter to me.
How they taught me from my early days , that life will have its highs and lows!

Roaming around, I find so many letters strewn around me,
collecting them all I went to the tree where its letter was waiting for me.

Years have passed and seasons went by,
My roots have grown deeper, greener the leaves and creeper
Flowers bloomed too and butterflies flitted by,
And like a bird , you also came and flew away.
You came to me whenever you needed shade from the red sun and the dark clouds,
My leaves kept you hidden from all,
whether it was playing hide and seek with others,
or hiding yourself from others to enjoy your solitude.
I still remember how much you relished eating the fruits,
and the memories of your first love still run like a beautiful movie.
Even though I knew that some day you'll fly away like the bird,
I couldn't stop loving you, I'd say the unrequited love.
Today you came back to me and look,
I'm still there where you left me!
Though the leaves aren't there anymore,
Neither are the flowers and fruits.
Yet, I'd still try to hide you from all others today
so that you can shed some tears alone,
in memories of what you left behind! 

The post is part of the prompt from the #BlogChatter community. What started as a weekly chat on Twitter, has become a booming, blooming community of bloggers, who blog together to blog better. Come, be a part of it!


  1. So nicely written. I've moved away from where I've spent my childhood, ut I do visit those streets sometime. Your post brought it all to me. Thank you

    1. I am glad to know that the nostalgia could revived through the poem! Thanks for the feedback :)

  2. Nice post Avanti, and Rohan pointed perfectly how your words brought childhood memories back. #Nostalgia :)

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  4. Sreshtha these poems of childhood nostalgia always tug at my heart like this one did :)

    1. Thank you so much Richa ma'am. I'm glad that it could tug your heart! :)


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